AI for Digital Designers

21 days to take your design career to the next level using AI





Design is on the brink of a radical transformation, and Side School is here to make you AI-ready.

In 21 days, you'll be building a simple website to learn how to integrate AI into your design process and tools. Your new AI skills will allow you to focus more on creativity and less on monotonous tasks, enhancing your value to clients or your employer alike.

Program timeline

Program kickoff

The program starts in


Live workshop with Ben issen

Monday April 1st, 5PM UST

Step-by-step challenges

  • Autogenerate a website with AI

  • Summarize the state of Al with Al

  • Describe the intention of your website

  • Scope your project with fake Al user interviews

  • Send proposals faster than anyone else

  • Generate a sitemap with Al

  • Define your site's aesthetic, colors and fonts with an agent

Peer-to-peer feedback

Get feedback on your work and progress together

Week 2

From content to design: advanced prompting and agents

Live workshop with Ben issen

Step-by-step challenges

  • Turn your sitemap into a wireframe with Al 

  • Write your website's content with Al

  • Turn sketches into mockups with Al

  • Generate and remix photos with Al

  • Create advanced illustrations with Al

  • Create videos with Al

  • Write custom code with Al

Curated and up-to-date tools

Our program teaches you the latest workflows, and best practices live

Week 3

From design to web design

Live workshop with Rachel How

Step-by-step challenges

  • Translate your website automatically with Al

  • Improve and quality-check your SEO with Al

  • Implement an Al chatbot on your project

  • Automate your website with Al

  • Automate design tasks with Al

  • Add content to CMS automatically with Al data automation 

Learn online, make in-person friends

Come to the graduation ceremony, pitch your project, network & party

End of program

AI is now a habit you incorporate in your daily workflows

Alumni platform and community

Keep the work and friendships you built

Sideshow: Show your finished project

The program is for you if…

  • You want to get your digital design skills to the next level

  • You've tried tools like ChatGPT but wish to see the full potential of AI

  • You want to stay updated to the rising client & employer expectations

  • You want to leverage AI to do parts of your job which you don't like doing

  • You wish you had a partner to collaborate with, AI being a potential one

  • You're looking to get a better job and want to strengthen your resume

  • You want to be faster to create new designs

Our students work as freelancers and in these companies:

Weekly live lessons to upgrade your workflow with AI

Daily challenges and use cases with AI prompting

Reviews for every student submissions

Access to support group

Starts in



Meet the program creators

Ben Issen has taught over 5 web design courses to 3,000+ students online and at university (ESADE). Ben was Webflow's first intern back in 2016. He published over 500 websites, designed 30 products and previously founded Supercreative which has been acquired.

He then built 3 AI tools for freelancers, for prompt management, pricing and design.
His work has been featured on Flux Academy and ProductHunt (Product of the month).

Ben is joined by Ida, our program manager based in Paris. She will help out and answer any questions you may have.

Our program sets itself apart by emphasizing current, practical skills over outdated, theory-heavy content. Tailored for busy designers seeking flexibility without sacrificing depth, Side School fits perfectly alongside your current job, offering a fast-paced learning journey to the forefront of AI-enhanced design.

Program fees

The program is $500.
If you work in a company, ask your employer to finance the program by forwarding this page to them.

As part of our 14-days money-back guarantee, all students are eligible for a full refund within 14 days of enrollment.

The program starts in






Design is on the brink of a radical transformation, and Side School is here to make you AI-ready.

In 21 days, you'll be building a simple website to learn how to integrate AI into your design process and tools. Your new AI skills will allow you to focus more on creativity and less on monotonous tasks, enhancing your value to clients or your employer alike.

Program timeline

Program kickoff

The program starts in


Live workshop with Ben issen

Monday April 1st, 5PM UST

Step-by-step challenges

  • Autogenerate a website with AI

  • Summarize the state of Al with Al

  • Describe the intention of your website

  • Scope your project with fake Al user interviews

  • Send proposals faster than anyone else

  • Generate a sitemap with Al

  • Define your site's aesthetic, colors and fonts with an agent

Peer-to-peer feedback

Get feedback on your work and progress together

Week 2

From content to design: advanced prompting and agents

Live workshop with Ben issen

Step-by-step challenges

  • Turn your sitemap into a wireframe with Al 

  • Write your website's content with Al

  • Turn sketches into mockups with Al

  • Generate and remix photos with Al

  • Create advanced illustrations with Al

  • Create videos with Al

  • Write custom code with Al

Curated and up-to-date tools

Our program teaches you the latest workflows, and best practices live

Week 3

From design to web design

Live workshop with Rachel How

Step-by-step challenges

  • Translate your website automatically with Al

  • Improve and quality-check your SEO with Al

  • Implement an Al chatbot on your project

  • Automate your website with Al

  • Automate design tasks with Al

  • Add content to CMS automatically with Al data automation 

Learn online, make in-person friends

Come to the graduation ceremony, pitch your project, network & party

End of program

AI is now a habit you incorporate in your daily workflows

Alumni platform and community

Keep the work and friendships you built

Sideshow: Show your finished project

The program is for you if…

  • You want to get your digital design skills to the next level

  • You've tried tools like ChatGPT but wish to see the full potential of AI

  • You want to stay updated to the rising client & employer expectations

  • You want to leverage AI to do parts of your job which you don't like doing

  • You wish you had a partner to collaborate with, AI being a potential one

  • You're looking to get a better job and want to strengthen your resume

  • You want to be faster to create new designs

Our students work as freelancers and in these companies:

Weekly live lessons to upgrade your workflow with AI

Daily challenges and use cases with AI prompting

Reviews for every student submissions

Access to support group

Starts in



Meet the program creators

Ben Issen has taught over 5 web design courses to 3,000+ students online and at university (ESADE). Ben was Webflow's first intern back in 2016. He published over 500 websites, designed 30 products and previously founded Supercreative which has been acquired.

He then built 3 AI tools for freelancers, for prompt management, pricing and design.
His work has been featured on Flux Academy and ProductHunt (Product of the month).

Ben is joined by Ida, our program manager based in Paris. She will help out and answer any questions you may have.

Our program sets itself apart by emphasizing current, practical skills over outdated, theory-heavy content. Tailored for busy designers seeking flexibility without sacrificing depth, Side School fits perfectly alongside your current job, offering a fast-paced learning journey to the forefront of AI-enhanced design.

Program fees

The program is $500.
If you work in a company, ask your employer to finance the program by forwarding this page to them.

As part of our 14-days money-back guarantee, all students are eligible for a full refund within 14 days of enrollment.

The program starts in






Design is on the brink of a radical transformation, and Side School is here to make you AI-ready.

In 21 days, you'll be building a simple website to learn how to integrate AI into your design process and tools. Your new AI skills will allow you to focus more on creativity and less on monotonous tasks, enhancing your value to clients or your employer alike.

Program timeline

Program kickoff

The program starts in


Live workshop with Ben issen

Monday April 1st, 5PM UST

Step-by-step challenges

  • Autogenerate a website with AI

  • Summarize the state of Al with Al

  • Describe the intention of your website

  • Scope your project with fake Al user interviews

  • Send proposals faster than anyone else

  • Generate a sitemap with Al

  • Define your site's aesthetic, colors and fonts with an agent

Peer-to-peer feedback

Get feedback on your work and progress together

Week 2

From content to design: advanced prompting and agents

Live workshop with Ben issen

Step-by-step challenges

  • Turn your sitemap into a wireframe with Al 

  • Write your website's content with Al

  • Turn sketches into mockups with Al

  • Generate and remix photos with Al

  • Create advanced illustrations with Al

  • Create videos with Al

  • Write custom code with Al

Curated and up-to-date tools

Our program teaches you the latest workflows, and best practices live

Week 3

From design to web design

Live workshop with Rachel How

Step-by-step challenges

  • Translate your website automatically with Al

  • Improve and quality-check your SEO with Al

  • Implement an Al chatbot on your project

  • Automate your website with Al

  • Automate design tasks with Al

  • Add content to CMS automatically with Al data automation 

Learn online, make in-person friends

Come to the graduation ceremony, pitch your project, network & party

End of program

AI is now a habit you incorporate in your daily workflows

Alumni platform and community

Keep the work and friendships you built

Sideshow: Show your finished project

The program is for you if…

  • You want to get your digital design skills to the next level

  • You've tried tools like ChatGPT but wish to see the full potential of AI

  • You want to stay updated to the rising client & employer expectations

  • You want to leverage AI to do parts of your job which you don't like doing

  • You wish you had a partner to collaborate with, AI being a potential one

  • You're looking to get a better job and want to strengthen your resume

  • You want to be faster to create new designs

Our students work as freelancers and in these companies:

Weekly live lessons to upgrade your workflow with AI

Daily challenges and use cases with AI prompting

Reviews for every student submissions

Access to support group

Starts in



Meet the program creators

Ben Issen has taught over 5 web design courses to 3,000+ students online and at university (ESADE). Ben was Webflow's first intern back in 2016. He published over 500 websites, designed 30 products and previously founded Supercreative which has been acquired.

He then built 3 AI tools for freelancers, for prompt management, pricing and design.
His work has been featured on Flux Academy and ProductHunt (Product of the month).

Ben is joined by Ida, our program manager based in Paris. She will help out and answer any questions you may have.

Our program sets itself apart by emphasizing current, practical skills over outdated, theory-heavy content. Tailored for busy designers seeking flexibility without sacrificing depth, Side School fits perfectly alongside your current job, offering a fast-paced learning journey to the forefront of AI-enhanced design.

Program fees

The program is $500.
If you work in a company, ask your employer to finance the program by forwarding this page to them.

As part of our 14-days money-back guarantee, all students are eligible for a full refund within 14 days of enrollment.

The program starts in


Questions? See call slots

Book your spot

7 remaining