Side School News
HR Technologies France Overview
Meet HR leaders from the largest French companies. This is the ambitious goal for a small company like ours. We are at HR Technologies France, the largest HR trade show.

IMM Partnership
Side School partners with the IMM leadership program, a key player that has been training leaders in media and creative industries for over 40 years. We have designed a comprehensive AI program, combining practical and forward-thinking elements. Join leaders from Canal, Arte, StudioCanal, Havas, and others for a bootcamp dedicated to executives in the creative and cultural industries.
New Hire: Nicolo Colantuoni
Nicolo Colantuoni joins Side School as a business associate.
New Bootcamp: AI for Designers
In partnership with Daily UI (the largest design newsletter, with 600,000 subscribers), Side School launches "AI for Designers" in English. It's our biggest promotion!
AI Report 2024 Release
A document summarizing all the essentials of AI for your business this year: use cases, tools, costs, and trends. Download link here.
The document is downloaded and shared by 10,000+ professionals in France.
A preview of the report here:
Third Graduation
The participants of our "AI for Marketers" bootcamp share their experiences. They come from companies like Devoteam, Carrefour, June Marketing.
Team's first offside
We celebrate the first six months of Side School in a beautiful setting.
300 participants at our bootcamps

Launch of Signal, the AI newsletter
We set ourselves a challenge: grow our new newsletter to 10,000 subscribers in 3 months. Sign up here.

Qualiopi Certification
After the success of our initial bootcamps, Side School is now Qualiopi certified. Companies can now have our training funded through their OPCOs.

Second Graduation
We gathered at La Caserne, our stronghold, to celebrate the end of our "AI for Marketers" program.
This event was well-deserved after the intense month the program participants experienced.
They worked on challenges each representing a concrete AI use case in the marketers' field.
One of the use cases covered: video generation. An example below to envision this second graduation.
Video recap:
And the graduation video, generated by Runway AI:
New Hire: Olivier Martin
Olivier Martin joins Side School to build the operations division.

Platform creation
The Side School platform, which enables progress through our bootcamp via challenges and workshops, is now online after a month of development.
First Graduation
Our very first "AI for Designers" bootcamp wraps up beautifully with our first closing evening.
Generate visuals and videos, create a sitemap, write SEO-friendly text, and even automatically generate invoices based on the client brief: this is what they learned to do today with AI.
"Side School changed my life," said Paul Mallet.
A warm moment to meet up!
Start of Side School
Side School begins in Paris, from the association of Ben Issen and Zineb Salamat, on April 18, 2024. They decide to present the project with the following video: